“…And you shall be qodesh [set-apart], for I am qodesh. This is the Torah [instructions/directions] of the beasts and the birds and every living creature that moves in the waters, and of every creature that creeps on the earth, to make a distinction between the unclean and the clean, and between the living creature that is eaten and the living creature that is not eaten.” Leviticus (Wayyiqra) 11:45b-47 Up to this point in our blog studies, we have been focused on the foundational steps on our journey toward YHWH. Understanding how to be in sync with our Creator and to align our lives with His (to be “qodesh, as He is qodesh” – Lev 19:2, 20:7-8, 20:26) is essential as He states, “those who seek Me, will find Me” (Jeremiah 29:13). We will explore in this blog that the key to seeking and finding is to discover and follow His instructed steps in becoming qodesh (set-apart). Being qodesh involves critical action steps to separate us from the ways of this world and dedicate our lives to being “good and faithful servants” (Matthew 25:3) Part of becoming qodesh involves what we put in our bodies. Are we consuming what was specifically created for consumption by our Creator? Have we chosen to heed His instructions knowing He is the Creator of all the earth and all that is in it, thus trusting His commands on the subject? Realizing most of us have been raised in a society that has ignored or pushed these instructions aside, it’s now crucial to put our forks down and study His Word on food… before we dive into our next meal. If you are like me, I was taught that it’s okay to ignore the detailed instructions for eating. I never questioned that thought process, as my culture and religion seemed to pick and choose what seemed “logical” to follow and what subjects they deemed irrelevant. I now can clearly look back and see it was man who determined the definition of “logical” in my religion and culture and assigned what was relevant, rather than trusting YHWH to define both. It wasn’t until my early 20’s when I met someone who didn’t eat pork. His reasoning wasn’t Scriptural, just that he grew up on a family pig farm and he was aware of a pigs’ disgusting habits. He also informed me that pigs do not have sweat glands, thus they do not sweat out their toxins and those toxins just absorb in their bodies. So, with that little bit of information – I stopped eating pork in my early 20’s (almost 30 years ago). However, as the years passed, I was still consuming “creatures” that were not considered food by our Creator. Again, I did not really care to know His instructions on the matter at that time in my life because my culture and religion embraced eating what they felt made sense, so I did as well, especially if it tasted good. For example, the “Ultimate Feast” from Red Lobster was my go-to menu item. It was loaded with fried shrimp, shrimp scampi, lobster, and crab. I wondered why I would have a stomachache every time I ate it, however I just chalked it up as over-eating rather than understanding the creatures I was consuming. It wasn’t until years later, 2005 to be exact, that I started my Covenant walk and became aware of YHWH’s detailed instructions regarding food. Once I had studied the subject (and there is really not much to it) I immediately dropped the “filth” and was adamant about eating clean. Through my studies, I realized that there is some confusion on this important subject. The confusion wasn’t in the instructions but rather the false notion that the instructions had been changed. We will clarify that confusion later in this blog, but right now I feel it is important to first examine His instructions on food. Here is the foundational question… what is food? What is food? If we first understand what food is, according to His Word then most of all the confusion can be easily clarified. We can start with the famous chapter 11 in Leviticus that goes into great detail on the definition of food. First, please note the following… ”This is the Torah [instructions/directions] of the beasts and the birds and every living creature that moves in the waters, and of every creature that creeps on the earth…” Notice YHWH is referring to any living creature that moves on the earth and in the waters in Lev 11. We are not talking about plants, trees, veggies, and fruits here, only the instructions on living creatures. “Whatever has a split hoof completely divided, chewing the cud, among the beasts, that you do eat.” Leviticus 11:3 Here is a clear definition of living creatures (the beasts of the field) that are defined as food. After setting the stage of the basic two physical requirements of the living creatures (split hoof completely divided and it chews the cud) YHWH then goes into examples of creatures that do NOT have a split hoof and/or chew the cud. The camel, rabbit and pig are examples He lists. He explains that they lack the physical requirements to be categorized as food. In fact, YHWH clearly states the following… “Their flesh you do not eat, and their carcasses you do not touch. They are unclean to you.” Lev 11:8 YHWH then teaches us about the living creatures in the waters - which living creatures are food for us and which are not. These you do eat of all that are in the waters; any one that has fins and scales in the waters, in the seas or in the rivers, that you do eat. But all that have not fins and scales in the seas and in the rivers, all that move in the waters or any living creature which in the waters, they are an abomination (sheqets) to you. They are an abomination (sheqets) to you – of their flesh you do not eat, and their carcasses you abominate (shaqats). All that have not fins or scales in the waters is an abomination (sheqets) to you.” Leviticus 11:9-12 Notice YHWH is not only clear on the physical requirements of the living creatures in the waters (must have fins and scales), but He also emphasizes many times that those that do NOT have fins and scales are an abomination to us. There are two Hebrew words in these verses that are translated to abomination. They are similar and come from the same root, but one is more defined that the other. Shaqats is described as: to be filthy, that is, (intensively) to loathe, pollute; - abhor, make abominable, utterly detest. Sheqets is described as meaning filth, that is, (figuratively and specifically) an idolatrous object: abominable (-tion). I wonder how YHWH’s definition and view of these creatures (polluted filth which are to be loathed and detested) are then transformed into dinner? Well, we know it’s from the “nations around us” as described in the Torah. Just as the children of Yisra’el were influenced by the nations around them, we too are influenced by the culture we are accustomed to. This should have all of us take a mental pause and reflect on the instruction of being qodesh (set-apart) from this world. Any culture, religion, or person that teaches, encourages, or accepts the habits, customs or traditions that are contrary to YHWH’s clear instructions are in direct violation of His Word and not in Covenant with Him, thus we need to take heed. Back to Leviticus 11, YHWH then lists the birds of the air and insects. Those that are food and those that are not food. It makes me think of the saying “you are what you eat” and YHWH says it most perfectly when He sums up His clear instructions with two points. The first point is emphasizing the distinction of food vs not food. “This is the Torah of the beasts and the birds and every living creature that moves in the waters, and of every creature that creeps on the earth, to make a distinction between the unclean and the clean, and between the living creature that is eaten and the living creature that is not eaten.” Lev (Wayyiqra) 11:46,47 Second, He stresses the importance and purpose of these distinctions… “…do not make yourselves unclean with them, lest you be defiled by them. For I am YHWH your Elohim, and you shall qodesh yourselves. And you shall be qodesh, and do not defile yourselves with any creeping creature that creeps on the earth… And you shall be qodesh, for I am qodesh.” Lev (Wayyiqra) 1:43,44 Notice the emphasis on “qodesh”? We are to be set-apart as He is set-apart. Knowing that YHWH resides within us, wouldn’t it make sense that we remain clean and eat what He created as food? Why would we defile our bodies by eating what He describes as filthy, polluted, and abominable, knowing that our bodies are where His Ruach ha’qodesh (Set-apart Spirit) resides? “…for you are the Mishkan (dwelling place) of the living Elohim, as YHWH has said, ‘I shall dwell in them and walk among them, and I shall be their Elohim, and they shall be My people.’ Therefore, ‘Come out from among them and be separate, says YHWH, and do not touch what is unclean, and I shall receive you.” 2 Corinthians 6:16b, 17 “Do you not know that you are a Mishkan (dwelling place) of Elohim and that the Ruach (Spirit) of Elohim dwells in you? If anyone destroys the Mishkan of Elohim, Elohim shall destroy him. For the Mishkan of Elohim is qodesh (set-apart), which you are. 1 Corinthians 3:16,17 Alongside the Journey Back Blogs, I’ve been dedicating my morning studies to the topic of qodesh. What it means, why it is important and how many times can I find “to be qodesh” in our instructions throughout Scripture. I think it would make any person’s jaw drop on the number of verses I’ve collected on this subject, and I am nowhere near done. In fact, that topic alone deserves its own book or series of books and I’m currently working on that subject for my next writings. YHWH has been making it clear to me as I continue to search out and dig through the wondrous layers of the subject of qodesh, how profound and critical this topic is, and what we eat fits right into this vital topic. All of YHWH’s inedible creatures still have a purpose, just as everything else on earth has a function and role for being created, but that purpose is not to be on our plates or in our stomachs. In fact, with basic research we can learn that these creatures are mostly for “clean up”. They are designed to clean up the garbage of the earth. Shrimp, lobster, crab, pig, and scavenger birds’ purpose in life is to clean (eat) the earth’s waste. Imagine if we opened our used Hoover vacuum bag and decided to eat what was in it. Yes, a disgusting analogy but hopefully you get the point. YHWH also details which birds of the air are an abomination. For example, the eagle, vulture, seagull, owl, pelican, and bat (Lev 11: 13-19). He does not mention a list of those we can eat as I assume the list would be really long but knowing what we cannot eat makes it clear what to avoid. Flying insects and creeping creatures are also discussed in the list of do and do not’s. While the idea of eating a grasshopper makes me gag, it did make the consumable list and maybe one day I’ll have to be open to that, but I hope I don’t have to. You can read the list of flying and creeping creatures in Leviticus 11:20-24. There are also many mainstream studies on health risks consuming unclean creatures that shouldn’t be on our menu. Things like cancer, obesity, high blood pressure, life-threatening diseases, etc. You can do the research yourself. However, I have never needed to know this information via mainstream. If my Father and Creator YHWH says don’t eat it, I do not need to know why, I just don’t eat it… I trust and I obey, it’s really that simple. YHWH reiterates I always like to pay special attention to subjects that are reiterated in Scripture. I believe there has to be significant importance to them if they are repeated. This seems to be the case as YHWH restates the definition of food in Deuteronomy (Debarim). “…for you are a qodesh people to YHWH your Elohim, and YHWH has chosen you to be a people for Himself, a treasured possession above all the peoples who are on the face of the earth. Do not eat whatever is abominable.” Deuteronomy 14:2,3 Notice YHWH sets the stage by saying “you are a qodesh people to YHWH your Elohim”. There is that important word “qodesh” again. So based on us following His instructions, determines if we are qodesh. Then He instructs once more, that we are not to eat anything abominable. He defines the physical requirements of those that are food of the beasts of the field stating, “And every beast that has a split hoof divided in two, chewing the cud, among the beasts, you do eat.” Deut 14:6 He then describes the physical identifiers of the unclean “But of those chewing the cud OR those having a split hoof completely divided, you do not eat such as these: the camel, and the hare, and the rabbit, for they chew the cud BUT do not have a split hoof, they are unclean for you. And the pig is unclean for you because it has a split hoof but does not chew the cud. You do not eat their flesh or touch their dead carcasses.” Deut (Debarim) 14:7,8 This gives confirmation that the beasts of the field that are created for food need to have both, split hoof and chew the cud. If they only have one of those, they are unclean like the camel, rabbit, and pig. YHWH also then details the creatures in the waters. They too must have the required two physical attributes in order to be labeled clean, fins and scales. “These you do eat of all that are in the waters: all that have fins and scales you do eat. And whatever does not have fins and scales you do not eat, it is unclean for you.” Deut (Debarim) 14:9,19 Amazingly, we can learn how YHWH feels about those who eat unclean in the book of Isaiah (Yeshayahu). “I have held out My hands all day long to a stubborn people, who walk in a way that is not good, after their own thoughts; the people who provoke Me continually to My face, who slaughter in gardens, and burn incense on altars of brick; who sit among the graves, and spend the night in secret places, who eat flesh of pigs, and the broth of uncleanness is in their pots…These are smoke in My nostrils, a fire that burns all day. See, it is written before Me: I am not silent, but shall repay, and I shall repay into their bosom…” Isaiah (Yeshayahu) 65:2-6 “For look, YHWH comes with fire and with His chariots, like a whirlwind, to render His displeasure with burning, and His rebuke with flames of fire. For by fire and by His sword YHWH shall judge all flesh, and the slain of YHWH shall be many – those who qadosh themselves and cleanse themselves at the gardens after ‘one’ in the midst, eating flesh of pigs and the abomination and the mouse, come to an end, altogether, declares YHWH” Isaiah (Yeshayahu) 66:15-17 Camouflaged non-consumables Here is where eating clean can get a bit tricky, especially when someone is used to buying boxed, packaged, and processed foods. You know, the products that take up 90% of store shelves? I get it, they are hard to avoid and decipher between the good, the bad and the ugly and camouflaged ingredient names by the manufacturers does not help. Gelatin is a prime example of this problem. I had been consuming gelatin most of my life until I learned it is made from “animal biproduct” and when you research which animal they are referring to, you learn it’s from a cow or pig. Okay, so which is it? Well, most seem to be made from pigs and being that we cannot know for sure… it’s best we stay far away from gelatin. And yes, your favorite vitamin gummies are made with gelatin. So, while reading ingredients might take you longer than you’d like, the purpose is you’ve made the commitment to keeping your Mishkan (dwelling place) of Elohim clean. There are a handful of other camouflaged ingredients made with pork. L-Cysteine found in some commercial baked goods (“l-Cysteine can be derived from animal and even human sources such as goose and duck feathers, human hair, swine bristles, and hooves”) and while they are working on a vegan version, unless it specifies “vegan L-Cysteine” then more than likely it is made from an animal (or even human) sources which are not kosher. Another camouflaged ingredient is Lard. Most people do not realize that Lard is pig fat. It’s used sometimes to replace butter or oil. My favorite food is Mexican, I could eat it every day. However, when I order I always make sure their beans are vegetarian and not made with lard. Amazingly most servers do not know that Lard comes from a pig. Normally, they need to go ask the chef if their beans are made with Lard. So, I’m just careful to make sure I order menu items that are not cooked in it. While we strive to do our best, sometimes we can fail. Many years ago, a friend of mine and I ordered a pizza to split for lunch. She ordered pepperoni on her side while mine was loaded with veggies. I didn’t think much of it until that night I was so sick with what felt like food poisoning. Come to find out, when your body is not used to consuming unclean items, it will reject them, and you feel it. I was about 5 years without pork, and I didn’t think about the pepperoni juices seeping throughout the cheese onto my side of the pizza. Lesson learned, for sure. My husband Victor and I also love lettuce wraps. The lettuce wraps at PF Changs to be exact. However, he decided to try some at another restaurant with some friends. He said they tasted good until he noticed something in the “mix” that didn’t seem right. Sure enough, they had little chopped up pieces of shrimp in their version of lettuce wraps. Once he realized it, he dropped that lettuce wrap and prayed that he wouldn’t get sick. Thankfully he didn’t get to that point, but YHWH knows we can unknowingly fall short and His grace and mercy is there when we need it. So, when eating out and when buying foods with countless ingredients… it’s always good to take the time to investigate a bit further before consuming. I’ve found that the best bet is to buy foods that aren’t packaged. Stick to the produce and deli section of a store. We’ve even gone a step further lately by starting to grow our own food. Knowing the crazy times lately and what is to come, we need to start developing our own skills on growing food rather than relying on the big corporations. Local farmers’ markets are a smarter way to shop as well. I believe it’s important to note that this blog is by no means intended to give you my opinion or recommendation on healthy eating pertaining to nutritional values. I’m not qualified to instruct anyone on healthy vs unhealthy foods. My Sister in Yah, Stacey is a certified nutritionist and fully knowledgeable and qualified to cover that subject. (Link: You Can Be Well). This blog is simply to stick to the menu items and non-menu items according to YHWH’s Word. What the “New Testament” says… I believe we have covered the details of what is food and what is not food, according to YHWH’s instructions. Where the confusion lies is whether He changed His mind. “For I am YHWH, I shall not change…” Malachi 3:6 Many have concluded that YHWH did change His mind regarding food. They base their beliefs from two verses they read in the “New Testament” (more accurately translated from the Hebrew words Brit Chadash as the “Renewed Covenant”). Understanding the more accurate translation as “the Renewed Covenant” should give us a starting point of clarifying this confusion. The 2nd part of our compiled cannon (Scriptures) is not anything “new” as that gives the incorrect impression that it replaces the old. However, it is simply refreshing the original Covenant, giving us a chance to join the original Covenant through the shed blood of our Messiah Yahushua. The Awakening / Time to clean house Identifying that foundation will help us to recognize that we do not change the original Covenant or YHWH’s Words/instructions, rather we are to continue to live them through our Messiah. “All the words I am commanding you, guard to do it – do not add to it nor take away from it.” Deuteronomy (Debarim) 12:32 “If you love Me, keep My Commands.” John 14:15 The patriarchs, disciples and especially our Messiah followed the Father’s instructions, thus we should as well. Let’s examine a couple verses that have been falsely used to justify the change. We will start with our Messiah Yahushua and I feel it’s important to set the stage. Mark chapter 7 starts by the Pharisees questioning Yahushua regarding why His disciples are eating without first washing their hands. “Why do Your talmidim (disciples) not walk according to the tradition of the elders, but eat bread with unwashed hands?” Mark 7:5 Note, this is one of many traditions that the Pharisees held in higher esteem than the Torah. Yahushua’s response is priceless… “And He answering, said to them, ‘Well, did Yeshayahu (Isaiah) naba (prophecy) concerning you hypocrites, as it has been written, ‘This people respect Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me. And in vain do they worship Me, teaching as teachings the commands of men.’ “Forsaking the Command of Elohim, you hold fast the tradition of men: washing of pots and cups and many other matters.” And He said to them, “Well do you put aside the Command of Elohim, in order to guard your tradition.” Mark 7:6-9 This topic seems to be clear as we read on, and Yahushua delves deeper into what really defiles the body. “Do you not perceive that whatever enters a man from the outside is unable to defile him, because it does not enter his heart but his stomach, and is cast out in the sewer, thus purging all the foods?” And He said “What comes out of a man, that defiles a man. For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil reasonings, adulteries, whorings, murders, thefts, greedy desires, wickednesses, deceit, indecency, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness, all this wickedness comes from within and defile a man.” Mark 7:18-23 So, Yahushua is talking about what comes from the heart that defiles a man. Sadly, many will not read the entire chapter and make assumptions when they skim read to verse 19 (underlined above). First, we need to be aware that He is addressing the accusation of unwashed (dirty) hands and that the dirt doesn’t defile the man, but an evil heart. Second, it is falsely assumed that when Yahushua says “because it does not enter his heart but his stomach, and is cast out in the sewer, thus purging all the foods” that the definition of “food” has changed to unclean creatures. Sadly, the culprit seems to be incorrect translations, or more precisely “commentators notes” – Let’s discover how this mishap originated… “In fact, the [certain translated] Scriptures do say that “Jesus declared all foods clean” but this particular passage does not provide for the abolition of the dietary instructions as so many believe. “…For it doesn’t go into his heart but into his stomach, and then out of his body.” (In saying this, Jesus declared all foods “clean”) Mark 7:19 NIV Notice the information in parenthesis at the end of this passage of Scripture. The parenthesis means that this statement is not in the original Greek manuscript but rather it was a translator’s notation, a very ignorant one at that! …Another important point regarding the translator’s notation after Mark 7:19 is that the statement is redundant because all foods are clean. The Hebrew word for food is akal and the Hebrew word for eating is also akal. Therefore, something cannot be eaten unless it is food, and something can only be considered food if it is kosher – which means that it is clean. If it is not kosher then it is unclean and it is not food, regardless of whether or not unbelievers decide to eat it.” Kosher by Todd D. Bennett Wow! Can you see the importance of starting with YHWH’s instructions, being learned and aware of His directions so that when we see a commentator’s notes, we can easily discern truth from lies? Peter’s vision of the sheet with animals
Here is another prime example of cherry picking a verse here and there without reading the entire chapter(s). Let’s first examine the verse that is popularly misunderstood. “…and he saw the shamayim (heavens) opened and a certain vessel like a great sheet bound at the four corners, descending to him and let down to the earth, in which were all kinds of four-footed beasts of the earth, and wild beasts, and creeping creatures, and the birds of the shamayim. And a voice came to him, ‘Rise up, Kepha (Peter), slay and eat.” But Kepha said, ‘Not at all, Adonai! Because I have never eaten whatever is common or unclean.’ And a voice came to him again a second time, ‘What Elohim has cleansed you do not consider common.’ And this took place three times, and the vessel was taken back to the shamayim. And while Kepha was doubting within himself about what the vision might mean, look, the men who had been sent… stood at the gate.” Acts 10:11-17 Notice the verses I have underlined. Kepha’s first response is “Not at all, Adonai!” because he has never eaten whatever is common or unclean. Why? Because he followed the instructions of YHWH regarding food. Next YHWH states that He has the power to cleanse yet a verse later Kepha is doubting what this vision could possibly mean. Why? Because he knows YHWH does not change. What was defined as filthy and detestable was and still is filthy and detestable and Kepha was a bit perplexed wanting to understand the visions’ true meaning. Sure enough, “the men who had been sent…stood at the gate” at the exact moment Kepha is “thinking about the vision, the Ruach (Spirit) said to him, ‘See, three men seek you. But rise up, go down and go with them, not doubting at all, for I have sent them.” Acts 10:19,20 We should be at a point now in our thinking that there is something more about the meaning of this vision other than food. Who were these 3 men? They were sent by a captain of the Italian Regiment, Kornelius who also had a vision, a messenger of Elohim saying “your prayers and your kind deeds have come up for a remembrance before Elohim. And now send men to Yapho and send for Shim’on who is also called Kepha.” Acts 10:4,5 As we continue to read, we can clearly start to see the meaning of Kepha’s vision. Verse 22 describes Kornelius as a “righteous man and one who reveres Elohim” and that he was instructed by a “qodesh messenger” to hear the words from Kepha. Now let’s read verse 28… “And he (Kepha) said to them, ‘You know that a Yahudi is not allowed to associate with, or go to one of another race. But Elohim has shown me that I should not call any man common or unclean.” Acts 10:28 So there is it. Kepha states that Elohim has shown in the vision that he should not call ANY MAN common or unclean. He did not say “any creature, thus all is now food.” Recall that the followers of Yahushua were to go out and proclaim the good news. However, it’s important to read Chapter 11 in Acts as it wraps up the purpose of the Kepha’s vision. “And the emissaries and the brothers who were in Yahudah heard that the gentiles also received the Word of YHWH. And when Kepha went up to Yerushalayim, those of the circumcision were contending with him, saying, ‘You went in to uncircumcised men and ate with them?’ Acts 11:1-3 Kepha’s immediate response was to describe the vision he had of what looked like a sheet and beasts of the earth on it. He then explained that he heard a voice saying, “slay and eat” and he had responded “Not at all, Adonai! Because whatever is common or unclean has never entered into my mouth” and he then told them “The voice answered me again from the shamayim, ‘What Elohim has cleansed you do not consider common.” This entire subject and meaning for the vision beautifully conclude with “And having heard this, they were silent, and praised Elohim, saying, ‘Then Elohim has indeed also given to the gentiles repentance to hai (life)” Acts 11:18 This gives even more confirmation and meaning to the subject of being grafted in (Romans 11: 17,18). The Kingdom of YHWH is accessible to anyone from any gentile nation when they desire to be grafted into Yisra’el. What a beautiful thing, through the blood of Yahushua we can join the Covenant Family and live clean, set-apart lives. We can follow the steps of our Messiah by loving and honoring the righteous instructions that lead to life. Deuteronomy 12:15 I feel it’s important to clarify one more misunderstood verse. Again, it’s vital that we read the entire chapter when we get confused on one verse. Even more ideally, we should be becoming well-versed in all of YHWH’s directions so we can better understand His desires and to know Him more intimately. Recognizing His likes and dislikes, His definitions, His desires for how we live helps us to know Him, to understand His character and to assist us in being qodesh, as He is qodesh. So, let’s first read the verse in question… “Only, whatever your being desires you shall slaughter and eat, according to the blessings of YHWH your Elohim which He has given you, within your gates. The unclean and the clean do eat of it, of the gazelle and the deer alike. Only, the blood you do not eat, pour it on the earth like water.” Deut (Debarim) 12:15,16 For those just learning the ways of YHWH this verse can seem contradicting to His instructions about clean and unclean. However, if we read the few verses before, we understand that He is discussing burnt offerings. We can then see in Deut 15 that YHWH goes into more detail. “But when there is any defect in it, lame or blind, or has any evil defect, do not slaughter it to YHWH your Elohim. Eat it within your gates – the unclean and the clean alike – as the gazelle, and as the deer. Only do not eat its blood, pour it on the ground like water.” Deut 15:21,22 So, it’s clear that YHWH is discussing the slaughterings (burnt offerings) dedicated to Him should NOT be unclean, meaning having any blemish. If one does have a blemish then He instructs that we cannot offer it, but that we can eat it, even though it is considered unclean for an offering, it can be eaten. He even gives an example of a “gazelle and a deer alike”. He does not give an example of a pig or camel or possum as those are unclean for an offering as well as unclean for consumption. Blood I was contemplating discussing the consumption of blood as I can’t imagine the desire to drink it. However, we are commanded in Scripture many times to not consume it so apparently it is important to cover. It seems the nations around them drank it for whatever crazy reasons they had and honestly, I have not studied that side of it or their purposes for it. Interestingly, what I have studied about blood is the magnitude of it. It isn’t just some red liquid that keeps our system operating. There seems to be a deeper spiritual purpose and YHWH makes that evident in a few verses. “Only be firm not to eat the blood, for the blood is the life (nephesh), do not eat the life with the meat.” Deut (Debarim) 12:23 “For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your lives (nephesh), for it is the blood that makes atonement for the life.” Leviticus (Wayyiqra) 17:11 “…who hunts and catches any beast or bid, which is eaten, shall pour out its blood and cover it with dust, for it is the life of all the flesh. Its blood is for its life… Do not eat the blood of any flesh, for the life of all flesh is its blood. Anyone eating it is cut off.” Leviticus (Wayyiqra) 17:13,14 “And He said, ‘What have you done? The voice of your brother’s blood cries out to Me from the ground.” Genesis (Bereshith) 4:10 Interestingly in Lev 17:11 some translations read “I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls.” The same Hebrew word is used for both life and soul (nephesh). Also notice in Genesis after Cain killed his brother Abel, YHWH asks Cain what he has done while revealing that his brother’s blood cries out and has a voice. The Hebrew word for voice is qol and means sound, cry, lightness, noise, proclamation, sing, spark, thundering, yell. How amazing is that? This gives us just a small but profound glimpse into YHWH’s creation. It also opens my mind to what YHWH sees in the blood for our atonement. This automatically brings my heart and mind to the loving sacrifice of Yahushua and His pure blood atoning for us. “The blood is very interesting because YHWH chose it as the means to maintain life in “the adam.” Some have speculated that blood is, in fact, congealed light. This notion makes for interesting thought as we consider the speeding up of the blood into light. This would make sense as those who follow the Ways of YHWH are often referred to as Children of Light.” The Final Shofar – Todd D. Bennett While it is clear we are not to eat the blood i.e., life/soul (nephesh) of an animal, it should also open our minds to the significance of our own blood and how we should keep that clean as well. These days, many people are going round and round about the latest “vaccine.” Does it work, does it not, is it dangerous, is it beneficial, etc. You have Doctors on either side of the fence and much research will give you the answers that you are looking for as either side will validate most of the “already made-up minds” of the masses. I really have chosen to stay on the spiritual side of it based on the above Scripture verses - blood is spiritual. So, if something is supposedly good for me, but is known to have monkey and pig DNA (blood) as part of its ingredients, then I stay far from it. Remember, monkeys and pigs are not clean animals and even if they were, should we inject any animal’s blood in with ours? We are not even supposed to eat it, yet “scientists” have determined it safe to inject right into our life force? Nope… not me. I don’t care if something in the future “claims” to make me 20 years younger or even immortal for that matter. If YHWH commands against it then I follow His directions, not man’s. We should trust the amazing immune system that YHWH created and do our best to keep that immune system healthy and functioning properly based on what we eat and how we take care of our bodies (temples). In conclusion While this blog could easily become a book filled with deeper details of: How were the animals killed and prepared to be food? Hormones? Steroids? Organic Produce? Added Chemicals? Etc. Those details are contained throughout countless pages of research from experts on the quality of foods. You can research on your own. My simple advice is to read labels, buy organic and/or all natural products when you can or, ideally, grow your own food and raise your own animals. My husband and I both grew up in suburbia so our skills in “homesteading” lacked before making the decision to have more control of our food. We have learned and continue to learn daily. My aim for this blog is to point out YHWH’s clear instructions on the definition of food. That should be the first step regarding consumables for those new to their Covenant Journey. Know what YHWH commands and take action to please Him and walk in His Light and living the life of qodesh. Our determination to keep our bodies (temples) clean and set-apart shows our Father that we believe in Him and He reigns in our lives. This important decision and advancement in obedience helps us walk on the Covenant path with Him. HalleluYah!! - a song from David to YHWH “And I am perfect before Him, and I guard myself from my wickedness. And YHWH repays me according to my righteousness, according to my cleanness before His eyes. With the kind You show Yourself kind, with the perfect one You show Yourself perfect, with the clean You show Yourself clean, and with the wicked You show Yourself twisted. For You save the humble people, but Your eyes are on the haughty to bring them low. For You are my lamp, O YHWH, and YHWH makes my darkness light.” 2 Samuel 22:24-29 |
AuthorsCarrie Forman Archives
February 2024